11.05.2020 | Reading time: approx. 3 min.
memox enables secure meetings &
Workshops during Corona
Legal but a great responsibility.
COVID-19 has changed everyday working life. Real contact has been drastically reduced. Public and private meetings are regulated by authorities, but business meetings are possible - both within and across companies. Numerous meetings have been postponed or transferred to the digital world.
Limits of virtual communication became clear.
Video conferencing has many advantages and has often saved us through these difficult times. But what has also become apparent is that there is often no substitute for effective face-to-face communication. "face-to-face communication is 34x more successful than digital communication" (Harvard Business Review, Vanessa Bohns).
Virtual meetings do not have the same outcome as face-to-face interaction, as numerous CEOs confirm in conversation (Northstarmeetingsgroup). Trust is not formed via video conferences, but it is a key factor in their success. Formats that focus on the development of content experience significant productivity losses in the virtual. This is particularly evident in agile formats (e.g., design thinking, software development...).
Solution required for secure face-to-face communication.
We will have to coexist with the coronavirus for quite some time. For this reason, solutions must be found to make meetings, workshops, training and education safe.
Meetings & workshops are not a restaurant visit.
The objective was to develop a Corona protection concept that honors the special features of meetings & workshops.
- In the restaurant, you have a fixed seat, the glass is right in front of you. In interactive workshops, you move around the room.
- In the supermarket, you have to concentrate for 10 minutes. In a workshop lasting several hours, a target can quickly be forgotten in the "heat of the moment".
- At the desk, everyone has their own pen. The whiteboard marker in the meeting is usually shared.
- ...
memox.saftey - a protection concept for meetings & workshops.
memox's core competence is to positively influence work flows and participant behavior via the data-driven configuration of room setups as well as the selection and provision of equipment. memox has used this know-how to develop a comprehensive protection concept for meetings, workshops, training and education based on the recommendations of institutes (e.g. Robert Koch Institute) as well as government agencies (e.g. BAG).
memox.saftey includes measures in five areas that enable safe collaboration. The residual risk is probably even significantly lower than a visit to the supermarket or a ride on public transport.
1. change processes, organization and behavior.
This category includes measures that lead to procedural and behavioral changes. memox.safety provides for more frequent posting of distance notices (magnetic stickers, labels, floor lettering) and behavioral recommendations oriented to the work process than is common in other industries. Likewise, recommendations are given for dealing with risk groups, subgroups in breakouts, and collaboration on whiteboard or flipchart.
2. adapt equipment, equipment and tools
With regard to the equipment of meeting and workshop rooms, and especially the use of various tools and aids, numerous adjustments are made. The provision of personal equipment such as whiteboard markers is particularly important. Surfaces that are difficult to disinfect in critical areas must be removed. We are now familiar with disinfection stations in all areas, and the memox Corona concept provides this at the workgroup and individual level, depending on the format. Likewise, face masks are provided, which can also be used depending on the situation, for example, if there is a lot of movement in the room.
3. reconfiguring room layouts and setups
Room layouts and setups were adjusted so that the distance recommendations can be adhered to and are not immediately forgotten even when there is movement in the room. Specific measures range from placeholder "I stay clear" signs to a new arrangement of chairs and tables. Likewise, seating options (e.g., bar stools or Cubehocker) are used specifically to reduce unconscious movement in standing formats.
4. revise beverage and food offer
In meetings and workshops, it is very common to consume food while working. A new perspective on this arises from the movement in the room. Whereas it is usual to consume from cups and glasses, we currently recommend small bottles (ideally even resealable). The contact surface between mouth and vessel is thus covered before opening by the screw cap or crown cork. We also offer cups with lids as an alternative to the cup and the possibility of labeling them with one's own name to avoid confusion. Food is only offered individually packaged. The lunch conversation should take place after and not during the meal.
5. intensify hygiene and cleaning measures
In addition to providing disinfection facilities (see point 2), cleaning intervals have been increased and the scope of cleaning maximized. Special focus is placed on surfaces that are touched by numerous people, e.g. door handles, light switches, remote controls, coffee machines, refrigerator handles, etc.
It can start again!
At www.memox.com/covid-19 we provide a more detailed insight into the recommended and implemented measures, and the safety poster developed specifically for the Meetings & Workshops sector can also be downloaded free of charge. We are happy to support and provide further materials as well as our know-how.
Our Meeting Spaces in Frankfurt and Zurich are available to you again. All measures are also part of the corporate solutions - whether operator model or room equipment.
Our goal - secure meetings for every company and team.